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Saturday 8 February 2025
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La Rosetta Hotel & Restaurant, Perugia
Villa Nuba - appartamenti per una vacanza di charme
Valle di Assisi Hotel & Resort
Assisi Souvenir

Tuoro sul Trasimeno Umbria Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Appointments & Events

Exhibitions, concerts, festivals, reviews, appointments, events and more happening in and around Tuoro sul Trasimeno over the next couple of months. Updated daily.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno


List of Villas in Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Tuoro sul Trasimeno


List of restaurants in Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Tuoro sul Trasimeno


List of pizzerie in Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Tuoro sul Trasimeno


List of Hotels in Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Holiday Farms

List of Holiday Farms in Tuoro sul Trasimeno.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Bed & Breakfast

List of Bed & Breakfast in Tuoro sul Trasimeno.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Bed & Breakfast in Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Discover the Bed & Breakfast lodging solutions in the Tuoro sul Trasimeno area.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Museo del Merletto on the Isola Maggiore

Umbria Online Tuoro sul Trasimeno loc. Isola Maggiore (Pg). Lacemaking is still a tradition on the Isola Maggiore and the museum dedicated to it by the local Pro Loco includes some of the finest pieces to emerge from this long standing tradition. Info: Associazione Turistica Pro Loco Isola Maggiore
Via Guglielmi, 46 · 06069 Isola Maggiore (PG) · Italy
Tel. 075 826162 · Fax 075 8258252 · Cell. 335 6566483.
Consult the full embroidery itinerary in Umbria.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Museo del Merletto - A Corner of Ireland on the Isola Maggiore

Umbria Online Tuoro sul Trasimeno loc. isola Maggiore (Pg). In the early 20th century the Marchesa Elena Guglielmi, whose staff included servants from Ireland, founded the Irish lace and embroidery laboratory on the Isola Maggiore of Lake Trasimene.
Today the Museo del Merletto houses a collection of some of the finest pieces made over the decades by loca

Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Irish Lacemaking Classes in Tuoro

Umbria Online Tuoro sul Trasimeno (Pg). A few women of Tuoro have learn the art of Irish lacemaking from Maria Vittoria Semolesti and now hold classes open to anyone interested in learning from September through to June.
Associazione Culturale Femminile P.Es.Co.
Palazzo del Ronḍ · 06069 Tuoro sul Trasimeno (PG) · Italy

Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Easter: Midgnight Mass in Tuoro

Tuoro sul Trasimeno (Pg). An Easter wake Mass has been scheduled in the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena for Saturday at 10.30pm, ending at midnight. Info: 075.825220, 075.9652484, e-mail info@iat.castiglione-del-lago.pg.it.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Eucharist and Feet Washing Ceremony in Tuoro

Tuoro sul Trasimeno (Pg). The confraternity of the SS Sacramento will be taking part in the Eucharist Mass followed by the ceremonial feet washing scheduled for Thursday of Easter in the Church of S.M. Maddalena, at 5pm. Info: 075.9652484.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno


Tuoro sul Trasimeno
Appointments & Events
Holiday Farms
Bed & Breakfast
Bed & Breakfast in Tuoro sul Trasimeno
Museo del Merletto on the Isola Maggiore
Museo del Merletto - A Corner of Ireland on the Isola Maggiore
Irish Lacemaking Classes in Tuoro
Easter: Midgnight Mass in Tuoro
Eucharist and Feet Washing Ceremony in Tuoro

 Regional News by Category

Sapori Tipici Umbri


Province: Perugia
Area: Trasimeno ()
comprensorio Trasimeno


Province: Perugia
Area: Trasimeno
Altitude: 309 m s.l.m.
Surface: 55.58 kmq
Population: 3788 (01.01.07; Istat)
Inhabitants name: Torregiani
ZIP 06069
Tel. area code: 075

Localities: Borghetto, Isola Maggiore, Piazzano, Vernazzano

Comune di Tuoro sul Trasimeno
Piazza del Municipio Tel. 075826142 Fax 075825061

Famous Personalities: Anton Maria Garbi (pittore, n. 1718); Matteo Dell'Isola (poeta, ).