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Saturday 27 July 2024
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The Carsulae Documentation Centre

After centuries of neglect Carsualae has finally seen the light again. Although the first digs started at the end ofthe 18th century, it was not until the systematic digs that followed between 1950 and 1972 that the grandiose scale of this Roman town fully emerged. Today Carsulae is one of the most fascinating and atmospheric archaeological sites in southern Umbria.

The new Centro visita e documentazione covers over 400 square metres of displays the interesting finds that have been unearthed here.

Although the upper section is missing, the vine and grapes that adorn a white marble statue indicate unmistakably that this was a portrayal of a softly reclining Bacchus.

The vast head and knee of a Claudian emperor were once part of a statue that stood roughly eight metres high.

A large section of mosaic flooring, a variety of marble fragments, a yellow gold necklace and a pair of ear-rings that look startlingly modern.

Centro Visita e Documentazione "U.Ciotti" di Carsulae Strada di Carsoli, 8 - 05100 Terni Tel. e Fax: +39 0744 334133 www.carsulae.it info@carsulae.it, carsulae@sistemamuseo.it

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