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Saturday 27 July 2024
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The Festa dei Folli

A Medieval carnival, the Festa dei Folli takes place against the magnificent ancient backdrop of the city of Trevi.
The organisers have tried to re-evoke the mad, burlesque atmosphere of Medieval carnivals. The entire population of the town dresses up in Medieval costume for the event.

In the Middle Ages society was structured in such a way that people lived a kind of double life. A certain 'normal' code of values and conduct was expected during most of the year. During carnival however, which could last several weeks, normal values and codes of conduct were turned upside down.
Upsetting the normal society hierarchy was an important aspect of carnival. It was not unusual for a carnival 'king' or 'queen' to be elected to rule for the entire duration of the festival.
Essentially a highly democratic festival, the carnival involved everyone at all levels of society. Everyone became equal and there were no longer distinctions that separated the people from the government.

Festival Programme
March 2nd-3rd 2003 (Saturday and Sunday). The festival begins on the Saturday with the election of the Re dei Folli, or Madmen's King. This is followed by a masked dance involving everyone in the main square. The fine museum throws open its doors to the public and hosts a series of speeches by children that tell of what the carnival means to them.
A series of events take place on the Sunday. The Medieval market remains open all day long, serving doughnuts and wine. In the afternoon the square is overrun with 'madmen', jesters, trapeze artists, Medieval music and dancing.
The theatre performance ‘Il mondo alla Rovescia’ (The World is Upside Down), by Graziano Sirci's Compagnia Teatrale dell'Arca, rounds off the two days on the Sunday evening.

For any information contact the event organiser and creator Corinne Angelucci. Tel. 339.365.22.28
e-mail: carnevalemedievale@yahoo.it

Those wishing to take full advantage of these two days of celebrations are advised to book at the panoramic and cosy Albergo Trevi Hotel Via Fantosati 2 Trevi Tel. (+39) 0742.780.922 – (+39) 0742.780.772

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