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Saturday 27 July 2024
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La Rosetta Hotel & Restaurant, Perugia
Villa Nuba - appartamenti per una vacanza di charme
Valle di Assisi Hotel & Resort
Assisi Souvenir

Umbrian Textiles and Embroidery Tour - Aracne

Spoleto (Pg). The tour of traditional lace, weaving and embroidery laboratories organised by the Regione Umbria includes also the interior design and bedlinen workshop of Mirella Mari in Spoleto.

Aracne di Mari Mirella
Corso Mazzini Vicolo I, 2 · 06049 Spoleto (PG) · Italy
Tel. e Fax 0743 46085 · Cell. 338 3008170
e-mail: aracnetessuti@libero.it.

See the entire lace, embroidery and fabric weaving tour in Umbria.

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