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Wednesday 24 April 2024
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La Rosetta Hotel & Restaurant, Perugia
Villa Nuba - appartamenti per una vacanza di charme
Valle di Assisi Hotel & Resort
Assisi Souvenir

Where to eat and to drink

Park Hotel Logge del Perugino At Logge del Perugino - Le Sibille Restaurant Viale dei Cappuccini 7, - 06062 Città della Pieve (Perugia) Italy
Tel. (+39) 0578.298927/0578.299926 Fax (+39) 0578.297340 email:loggedelperugino@umbriaonline.com • The "Le Sibille" restaurant serves specialities from the local culinary tradition. The restaurant’s rooms are of varying sizes to suit different needs (small for private functions of between 15 and 30 people, larger for parties with between 100 and 150 people). There is also a magnificent panoramic terrace for open air eating in spring and summer, with breathtaking views over Città della Pieve and Lake Trasimene. The restaurant staff are able to cater for a variety of needs ranging from banquets to intimate functions or business lunches.
Web site languages: Italiano English

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