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Saturday 27 July 2024
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Museo del Tulle Anita Belleschi Grifoni

Panicale (Pg). The Museo del tulle Anita Belleschi Grifoni is housed in the 16th century Church of Sant’Agostino and the collection comprises a fascinating array of embroidery and lace, some of which dates back to the 11th century. The museum is named after Anita Belleschi Grifoni, who founded the prestigious Scuola-laboratorio dell’Ars Panicalensis, in the early 1920s.

Info: Piazzale Regina Margherita, 5/a · 06064 Panicale (PG) · Italy
Ufficio turistico: Tel. 075 8378017 · Ufficio cultura Tel. 075 8379531
e-mail: ufficioculturapanicale@supereva.it.

See the entire lace, embroidery and fabric weaving tour in Umbria.

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