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Saturday 27 July 2024
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La Rosetta Hotel & Restaurant, Perugia
Villa Nuba - appartamenti per una vacanza di charme
Valle di Assisi Hotel & Resort
Assisi Souvenir

Ars Panicalensins

Panicale (Pg). Paola Matteucci has learnt and perfected the traditional embroidery on Panicale tulle that has been practised by women in the town for centuries. Anyone interested in learning these ancient secrets can enrol in one of the courses she runs.

Info: Via Brodolini, 30 · 06064 Panicale (PG) · Italy
Tel. 075 837523 · Fax 075 837523 · Cell 348 2451350
e-mail: baldomax@tiscali.it.

See the entire lace, embroidery and fabric weaving tour in Umbria.

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