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MusicalMente Cultural Association

"Under the influence of music I seem to feel the unreal, to understand the unknown, to do the impossible." Lev Tolstoy.
Of the many aphorisms that could be used to define the philosophy of the association, I have chosen the one I think suits best. This association aims to bring people together, people who perhaps have a different concept of music, in an effort to help them learn, mature and think musically.
The idea is to arrange concerts, conference, debates, and study meetings aimed at appreciating all kinds of music, from any age.

The association has organised several editions of the Sound Track competition for young musical talent, sponsored by the city of Foligno. The competition brief requests that entrants perform live without pre-recorded back-up sounds, as a means to better evaluate the performer's impact with the public and the emotions he or she manages to provoke in the listener with only his or her natural technique.
A strong passion for music is the foundation stone for this association, along with a good deal of sacrifice on behalf of the organisers, who believe these are essential components for anyone wishing to embark on a musical career.
All musical genres are welcome at the association, provided there is quality.

The association's website is full of interesting information, including a notice board that provides the addresses of groups willing to perform live and musicians looking for particular scores.

The association's address is as follows :
Associazione Culturale MusicalMente
Via Intermezzi 13 - 06034 Foligno (PERUGIA) Tel. 347 7683606 - 347 3211436

e-mail: musicalmente@hotmail.com

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