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2003 Concert Season

? August
by G.Puccini, opera in quattro quadri
Libretto by L.Illica and C.Giacosa, from Scènes de la vie de Bohème by H.Murger
Concert performance
Courtyard of Palazzo Trinci
Date to be announced

Sunday October 19th
Ottorino Baldassarri, organ
Music by G.Morandi, F.Petrali, V.Fedeli, F.Capocci, M.E.Bossi
San Domenico Auditorium, 5pm

Sunday November 16th
Beethoven Piano Sonatas - Piano Concerto Number 3
Olaf John Laneri, piano
Beethoven: Sonata in E major. op. 14 n.1; Sonata in G major op. 14 n.2; Sonata in B flat major op. 22; Sonata in A flat major op. 26; Sonata quasi una fantasia in E flat major op. 27 n.1; Sonata quasi una fantasia in C sharp minor op. 27 n.2 (Moonlight)
San Domenico Auditorium, 5pm

Friday December 12th
Beethoven Piano Sonatas - Piano Concerto Number 4
Pietro De Maria, piano
Beethoven: Sonata in D major op. 28 (Pastorale); Sonata in G major op. 31 n.1; D minor op. 31 n.2; Sonata in E flat major op. 31 n.3
San Domenico Auditorium, 9pm

Amici della Musica, Largo Frezzi, 4 - Foligno (PG)
tel e fax 0742-342183 (Mon., Wed., Fri., 10am - 12 noon)

Azienda Promozione Territoriale
Tel. 0742-352814

Ufficio Spettacolo Comune di Foligno
Tel-fax 0742-344563
E-mail: cultura@comune.foligno.pg.it

For information and annual subscriptions the association secretariat, in Largo Frezzi 4,
is open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 12 noon.
Three different subscription offers available:
YOUNG MEMBERS: for those under the age of 26, € 10
(each concert costs € 4 with this subscription)
ORDINARY MEMBERS: € 25 (roughly a 30% reduction on the full ticket price for concerts)
CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS: € 50 (roughly a 30% reduction on the full ticket price for concerts)

TICKETS: Stalls € 15 (reductions € 10); gallery € 10 (reductions € 7)
Reductions apply to ordinary members, contributing members and members of the public under 26 or over 60.

Bookings: Anteprima Ticket Point, Via Mazzini, 86 Foligno tel 0742-340202
San Domenico Audtorium on the day of the concert from 5pm, tel 0742-344563

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