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Star-Gazing Through the City's Telescope

The Osservatorio astronomico cittadino is run by the Associazione Astronomica Antares of Foligno and is equipped with a computerised astronomical research telescope. Scientific film footage shows are organised in the association's lecture hall, and the association publishes a bi-monthly bulletin listing all its sightings.
The association has certain hours in which it is possible to watch the stars free of charge in the company of an expert.
Observation hours: February – October Tuesdays from 9-11pm.
November – January Tuesdays from 6-8pm.

Anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of the stars and the layout of the heavens can make use of the association's planetarium, a costly instrument that simulates the layout of the stars and other cosmic phenomena. Although this instrument is designed for schools, groups of adults are also welcome. By appointment only.

Anyone wishing to receive further information can contact the Osservatorio Astronomico directly, in Via Bolletta 18 – Torre dei Quattro Cantoni tel.(+39) 0742.35.35.86
President: Mario Marzioli (+39) 0742.35.13.82

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