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Saturday 27 July 2024
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La Rosetta Hotel & Restaurant, Perugia
Villa Nuba - appartamenti per una vacanza di charme
Valle di Assisi Hotel & Resort
Assisi Souvenir

Arnaldo Caprai Textile Collection

Foligno (Pg). Currently numbering no less than 21,000 items, the Arnaldo Caprai textile collection is one of the largest in Europe and spans from the 16th century to about 1940.

Info: Collezione delle arti tessili europee Arnaldo Caprai
Via Flaminia, Km. 148 · 06037 Foligno (PG) · Italy
Tel. 0742 39251 · Fax 0742 679242
e-mail: info@caprai.it.

See the entire lace, embroidery and fabric weaving tour in Umbria.

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