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Saturday 27 July 2024
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Valle di Assisi Hotel & Resort
Assisi Souvenir

History of the City

Veduta di Trevi
Trevi, or Trebe (house) Umbra, as it was called by Pliny, soon became a Roman municipium including the town itself as well as the lands below towards the Via Flaminia, as testified by the large number of architectural finds at Santa Maria di Pietrarossa. During the Middle Ages the inhabitants of Trevi retreated back into the Roman fortifications (1st century BC). The new circle of fortifications that still surround the city today were not erected until 1264. The valley below remained uninhabited until the 19th century, until the land was reclaimed and a new settlement - Borgo Trevi - developed near the Via Flaminia. After a period spent as a Longobard vassal under the Duchy of Spoleto, Trevi eventually became a free city state in the late 12th century. . In 1470 the first Umbrian printing press (the fourth in Italy) was set up at Trevi. As from 1816 the extensive lands under the control of Trevi, that once included Fabbri, Fratte and Santa Luca towards Montefalco, along with Castel Ritaldi, Picciche, San Giovanni, San Lorenzo and Cannaiola, were drastically reduced.

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