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Saturday 8 February 2025
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Exhibitions and Events in Norcia

In the last weekend of February every year there is the Mostra Mercato Nazionale del Tartufo Nero Pregiato di Norcia e dei Prodotti tipici della Valnerina. This event has grown to international status in recent years and is a must for lovers of prosciutto, salame, capocollo, ricotta, fresh and seasoned cheeses and, naturally, the renowned Norcia black truffle, as well as a host of other local specialities. As well as countries from the European Union, there are also representatives from China, Hungary, Poland and Russia. This time of year is also the most propitious for gathering the prized black truffle. The entire event takes place in the open air, in the magnificent Piazza San Benedetto.

On March 21st the Celebrazioni Benedettine, with a magical historical parade, honour the patron saint of Europe. Another interesting event is the Processione del Cristo Morto, a procession that runs along the perimeter of the castle walls lit by torchlight and with ten living tableaux representing moments of the Passion.

The Fiorita di Castelluccio, a small village in the Apennines at 1453 metres above sea level, just a few kilometres from Norcia, generally takes place in June but can vary from season to season. It is the spring flowering in the Piano Grande, beneath snow-capped peaks of Monte Vettore and attracts a large number of flower-lovers from all over the world . This is where the renowned Castelluccio lentils are grown. Castelluccio is also known for its humorous graffiti, which at least until a few years ago used to appear on the walls of the houses during the long winter months of total isolation. The writings tell of funny events or amorous liaisons.

In August the sei guaite (six areas) of Norcia organise the Estate Nursina, which include folk music, dancing and shows in the square and involve the inhabitants of Norcia and all the surrounding villages.

On December 9th there si “ri fauni”, otherwise known as <b. This is a festival of bells that celebrates the moving af the Madonna from Nazareth to Loreto, in the night of December 9th 1291.

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Norcia News