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Saturday 20 April 2024
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Information: Perugia Cittą Museo

Centro Servizi Museali of the Rocca Paolina
The Centro Servizi Museali della Rocca Paolina is the starting point for anyone wishing to visit the city, as well as a useful source of informative material for residents.
The abundance of material available covers directions and opening hours of all the most important monuments such as Palazzo della Penna (with its permanent collection and temporary exhibitions), the Etruscan well (a fascinating example of 3rd century BC water engineering), the San Severo chapel (where there is a fresco by Raphael depicting the Trinity), and Cassero di Porta S. Angelo (with its annexed Museo delle Mura that documents the urban development of Perugia).
The Centro Servizi Museali della Rocca is located along the section of conveyor belts and escalators that passes through the Rocca Paolina, taking visitors from the Piazza Partigiani parking lot up to Corso Vannucci.

Information: Tel. 0755728440
Circuito Perugia Cittą Museo: Info-line 199 194 114

Palazzo della Penna

Pozzo Etrusco

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