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Friday 13 September 2024
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La Rosetta Hotel & Restaurant, Perugia
Villa Nuba - appartamenti per una vacanza di charme
Valle di Assisi Hotel & Resort
Assisi Souvenir

Parco Regionale del Lago Trasimeno

The Parco Regionale del Lago Trasimeno supports an abundance of typically freshwater plants and wildlife, with the surrounding slopes occupied by farmland and deciduous trees. The bird life on the lake is particularly rich, since this is a favourite stopping point for rare migratory species to and from northern Europe. Ornithologists from all over Italy have been studying and monitoring this passage for years, classifying the birds by applying rings on their passage to Africa in the autumn months. This practice has provided valuable information regarding their migratory patterns and habits.

Oasi La Valle
This marshy area on the southern shores of Lake Trasimene, near San Savino, is one of the lake’s most important habitats. The exceptional ecosystem of this small area is a precious example of a perfectly balanced environment, with plants and wildlife living in a harmony unaltered by human interference. Extensive reeds offer the perfect shelter and nesting ground for a broad variety of migratory and endemic bird species, including flocks coots that come here during the winter months, couples of grebes with their elaborate mating dances, ospreys, herons, little bitterns and little egrets.

The reeds
The mainstay of the lakeside vegetation, reeds encircle the stretch of water on all its sides and have grown particularly thick to the south and east. Those that grow in the Oasi La Valle are composed chiefly of three varieties: phragmites, stinca and typha angustifolia, as well as juncus.

The Islands
Isola Polvese. The largest of the islands on Lake Trasimene, Polvese houses an aquatic plants garden as well as scientific and environmental laboratories for observing local flora and fauna, complete with a series of lecture rooms. Other sights on the island are the Olivetani monastery and the Medieval castle.
Isola Maggiore. This island is still fully inhabited, with a hamlet that dates back to the 15th century, a number of interesting churches and the Guglielmi Castle.
Isola Minore or “Isoletta”. The property of the Province of Perugia, this is the smallest of the islands on the lake.

"Umbria...Cuore verde d’Italia. Umbria delle acque e dei Parchi, Agenzia di Promozione turistica dell'Umbria, Perugia, pg. 72, by kind permission.

Casa del Cioccolato Perugina

Umbria’s 92 Cities

• Gourmet Packages
• Ancient documents and illuminated manuscripts
• Renaissance Umbria
• Umbria the Poet’s Muse
• Umbria With the Kids: Perugia’s Città della Domenica
• Golf & Art in Umbria

• Market fairs and typical produce festivals in Umbria
• Typical Umbrian dishes
• Umbrian cuisine
• Typical Umbrian produce, where to buy and where to taste
• Typical Umbrian food
• Wine Tours in Umbria
• Umbrian Wines and Regional Wine Trails
• Enoteche, vinerie and wine bars in Umbria
• Umbrian Wines
• Wineries and wine tasting in Umbria

• Cofanetti Regalo e Idee per viaggiare
• Contemporary art in Umbria
• The female saints of Umbria
• Benedictine monasteries
• Ancient castles and fortresses
• Guided tours and itineraries in Umbria

Holidays Apartments Villa Nuba - Perugia

• Parco di Colfiorito
• Lake Trasimene
• Parco Fluviale del Tevere
• Parco Regionale del Lago Trasimeno
• Parco Regionale del Monte Subasio

  WHAT TO SEE & DO go 
• UmbriaOnLine iPhone Application
• Cooking courses in Umbria
• The Nahar adventure park, enclosed within one of Italy 's largest alpaca farming areas, offers tourists the chance to spend a day experimenting new sports and generally having a good deal of fun in an unparalleled natural setting!
• PIERMATTEO D’AMELIA and the Renaissance in Southern Umbria
• FRANTOI APERTI Following the DOP Umbria quality olive oil trail
• Wedding in Umbria
• MAP of UMBRIA to travel in Umbria
• Tourist guides of Umbria
• Quality produce - sustainable success stories
• Oil mills and producers across the region Umbria
• Academies, Schools in Umbria and Italy
• Exhibition Perugino, divine painter
• Itineraries & Packages


• Beauty Farms in Umbria
• Wellness in Umbria: opportunities for tourists
• Spiritual Retreats in Umbria
• Dermocosmetici Oro of Spello for protecting your skin
• Wellness in Umbria

  SPORT go 
• Rafting
• Paragliding and Hang-Gliding
• Horse Riding in Umbria
• Golf in Umbria
• Umbria by Bike

• Getting married in Umbria

• SM.MA. rental of equipment, marquees and gazebos for catering and banqueting
• Company meetings in Umbria
• Venues and Entertainers for Events in Umbria
• San Gemini - Centro Congressi
• Park Hotel ai Cappuccini in Gubbio
• Events and Cerimonies in Umbria – Deals and Offers
• Conferences and Conventions – the Advantages of Choosing Umbria

Sapori Tipici Umbri

• Textiles and Lace-Making in Umbria
• Deruta Ceramics
• Cabinetmaking in Città di Castello
• Woodcarving in Umbria
• Ceramics in Umbria Art and Tradition
• The Ceramics of Deruta